Fine Wedding, Event, and Portrait Photography for Bend and Central Oregon. Emphasizing your unique personality with elegance and grace, shot in a Cinema Verite style. See our website at for more information and a portfolio. We look forward to seeing you!
We are proud of our heritage and of our country. We know that The United States of America were a union based on Judeo/Christian principles. We know that those who organized the union, and drafted the documents upon which it was formed, did so with an acute understanding of human nature and its laws to which we are bound. These authors wrote reverentially, and explicitly, of an Almighty Creator ... and we believe they did so with specific cause and purpose. These authors were not misguided, they were not wrong ... and all of us living in this great nation are beholden to their wisdom and the fruits resulting. "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. --- That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --- That whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and happiness." We are all endowed with the unalienable Right to Life. There is no further text on what stage of life ... it is inclusive of all of Life ... if the man has Life, he/she is endowed with the Right. Liberty is to be an unalienable Right. Liberty is not necessarily freedom to do whatever one pleases, moreso referring to ones free-will ... the power to choose amongst options. We believe inherent in this is the undertanding there are consequences to actions ... some beneficial, some not. Since instututions are merely collectives of individuals, it would stand to reason that institutions organized in the United States would also be granted the Right of Liberty. To be free of regulation and restriction that prohibits this Liberty. The free market can mete out any punishment or direction that needs to be, the government is to guarantee the Liberty. Lastly, the pursuit of Happiness. We are endowed with the Right to pursue Happiness. There are no guarantees of Happiness. Our government is to protect and guarantee our Right to pursue Happiness. We pray for a revival of understanding of what made our country great, and a re-commitment to these principles and self-evident truths. We pray for a society that rises from the ashes of fear and hopelessness that dependency breeds. For an American government to ask dependency of the people is guilty of folly, an American governement that demands it, is dangerous ... if not out of its intent, then at least out of its actions. We pray that men and women in America may truly walk free from what binds them ... respectful that the laws of nature dictate the true chains, not any government, not any individual. This is certainly what our Founding Fathers had in mind when they drafted the Declaration of Indpendence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. Welfare breeds dependency. Liberty breeds independence. Remote government intervention into private industry will reduce competition, become ever more inefficient and costly, until it suffocates independent private business into failure. Remote government does not enter an industry to benefit a market with more competition, better value, and lower cost. It cannot. It will soon control the industry. We cannot say if they intend to or even want to ... they simply will. Government cannot ensure Happiness to the populace, its duty is to respect the unalienable Right to the pursuit of Happiness. We should neither ask of our government to, nor enable it to attempt to, through our own complacency, and by relinquishing these self-evident Rights.
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